Monochromer Garten VIII (2016)
für Altflöte
Duration : ca 11 min 40 Sec.
"Monochromer Garten" is an ongoing chamber music series in which I focus on small formations of 1-3 musicians.
My aim of this series is to portray the features and aesthetics of Japanese gardens and their architecture.
A silvery world, night, black tiles covered with snow, reflected-light, space, silence ...
This was an image I once saw as I looked through a window behind a temple in Kyoto, and it was my wish to portray these images and architecture of the garden with music.
The night view of the garden was like an Indian ink painting. A work of art in black and white.
I discovered the epitome of beauty there, which inspired me to reflect on how such beauty can be appreciated.
According Shinichi Hisamatsu (1889-1980) - a Japanese philosopher and scholar of Zen Buddhism - ,
the general features of Japanese cultural expressions in fine arts can be described in terms of seven interrelated characteristics.
1) Asymmetry
2) Simplicity
3) Austere Sublimity
4) Naturalness
5) Subtle Profundity
6) Freedom from attachment
7) Tranquillity
Each fine art, landscape architecture included, may fulfil all of these seven characteristics, which in their inseparability form a perfect whole.
In my "Monochrome Garden" series, I consider the composition of music as composition and design of landscape architecture.
Instead of the materials such as rocks, moss, pruned trees, sand and space, that are utilised in forming a Japanese garden, I use sound materials and time to create my piece.
In "Monochrome Garden VIII”, I have particularly emphasised the breath sounds, the bisbigliando effects and multiphonics on alto flute. I wanted to create a sound organism consisting of numerous hues.
Although it is a composed piece, it retains a spontaneous character.
My wish was to create a universe of beauty with these materials along with exploring the depth and scope of my sensitivity.